If you feel stuck and full of uncertainty then come on this journey with me. I've been right where you are. I know it's important to live a life worth loving. A life of purpose, freedom, connection and fulfillment. By choosing to be the love of your life, you will become love.
JOIN the mission to journey within to redesign your mindset. It’s time to get relief from the fear and self doubt that’s been keeping you from living the life you desperately want and fully deserve.

Who I Help
Stephanie White - Certified Master EFT, Certified Advanced TFT, Personal Empowerment Coach
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
~ Wayne Dyer
MindShift Mission was created to inspire and empower women with a roadmap to true freedom. Break free from the thought patterns that sabotage your peace, joy and fulfillment. This is attainable!
We are able to access, understand and overcome the limitations of our mind by shifting the framework. Our mindset has a direct influence on our thoughts, feelings, and actions, which then determine our experience (the quality) of life.
Mastery of proven tools, techniques and wisdom allows us to overcome our distress and struggle. This new awareness, this new knowing, informs us of what has always been available to us. You will return to a natural state of balance on your journey within.
What if you could leave behind the emotions that feel debilitating and wake up feeling happy, peaceful and excited?
What if you could break free from the endless cycle that keeps you feeling stuck and powerless?
What if you were able to unlock the code to happiness and a life full of possibility?

What I Have Found
Many women feel imprisoned by their own limitations and desperately want relief from this endless cycle.
A dynamic shift in your perception is the fastest way to interrupt this pattern of thought fueled by fear and self-doubt.
Access to the life you want is the end result. You will achieve a powerful new knowing that nothing (NO THING) stands between you and your innate joy and fulfillment.
When love meets happiness, it becomes joy. We all long to return to our original joy.
~ Jack Kornfield

About Me
Hi! I'm Stephanie. Teacher. Truth-Seeker. Outlook Shifter.
I used to believe my internal story. I trapped myself with false limiting beliefs. Beliefs that recurred consistently causing me to behave as if I was powerless and without choices. I lived in a survival state in my nervous system. These unconscious beliefs were running (and ruining) my life... completely.

I felt stuck. I was not able to take action. I genuinely thought the problem existed outside of me. But...my inner guidance kept nudging me with an overall desire to find relief! Ancient guiding principles and proven scientific techniques allowed me to live consciously and free myself from my mental prison. I spent years learning how to tap into the brain's ability to adapt and change. This created a dramatic shift in the quality of my life experience.
Wellbeing and happiness were achieved; I found peace. I have since had the opportunity to build my career to help others. Now I get to witness others becoming empowered with the knowing, the practices, and the tools that allow for sustainable transformation.
Change and evolution are all about breaking
the habit of being you.
Dr. Joe Dispenza
And with this opportunity, my fulfillment was discovered. Every cell in my being knew it when I found it. My own inner journey bestowed me with the compassion and the gift to help other women.
Together, we will unlock the code to tap into a flood of positive energy and finally release the debilitating emotions that have been holding you back.

Cathy D.
Stephanie White is amazing!! This was a life changing experience. She is intuitive, experienced and intelligent and has a loving way of knowing exactly what is going on with you. The tools and techniques are explained clearly and it's easy and powerful and sets your body, mind and spirit into self healing mode. This can be done anywhere, anytime to keep you calm. I would highly recommend working with Stephanie. She is a GIFT to all of us!
Tracy M.
Thank you for 'introducing me' to my new and improved self! Life is now going to be a huge adventure. Life is different and so much better. When I think about where I was before I had the chance to learn what you teach in your program, it feels like this new me is a miracle! That's the power of what you're doing! My whole life I've dreamed of becoming a higher vibration and to have a positive impact on others. Now that I can live fully I can't wait to see what I choose to dive into!
Karen S.
I didn’t know what to expect when I started, and I've only had my first two sessions so far. I’m amazed to report significant breakthroughs in each! I’ve learned you can indeed be the best version of yourself and you can rewire your thinking patterns. Whatever doesn’t serve you, such as high stress levels, can be released in your individual sessions. I've loved getting to know my true self and the new version of my future that I'm walking into. I’m a big fan!